VAT Seminars
Advanced Users
VAT Seminars
Advanced seminar
The VAT and the EU
Intra-Community circulation of goods
Taxation of intra-Community acquisitions
Tax liability and tax exemption
Assessment basis and tax rates
Deduction of input tax and application procedure
Tax exemption for intra-Community supplies
Special taxation basis: chain transaction, triangular trade
Regulation on mail order business
Exemption clauses
Reverse-charge procedure
Taxation of construction services
Input tax adjustment, particularities
Differential taxation
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Tax advisors, auditors, assistant tax consultants, apprentices, bookkeepers, financial accountants
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Your Lecturer
Armin Beißwenger, Graduate in Tax Administration, Lawyer
250,00 € per participant plus VAT
Your Lecturer
Armin Beißwenger, Dipl. Finanzwirt (FH), Rechtsanwalt/FAfStR

- Born in 1970
- Studies at the University of Applied Sciences – Public Administration and Finance, Ludwigsburg
- Studies of Law at the University of Saarland
- Studies of Law at the University of Heidelberg
- Legal Assistant at the County Court of Karlsruhe
- Tax Assistant with a tax consultant office in Albstadt-Ebingen
- Admission as Lawyer by the Bar Association, Karlsruhe
- Freelance collaborator for the law and tax consultancy office Neufang & Partner, Calw
- Associate Professor at the SRH University, Calw
- Associate Professor at the Neufang Academy, Calw
- Senior lecturer for the Chamber of Tax Consultants Nordbaden
- Senior lecturer – Seminar for vocational training at a Collage for Economics and Taxes
- Armin Beißwenger has been a lawyer admitted to the bar by the Bar Association of Karlsruhe since 2005
Fields of specialisation:
- Specialist lawyer for tax law
- spespsSpecialist lawyer for healthcare professions
- GraGGraduate in tax administration / Diplom-Finanzwirt (FH)